Please have Lunch With Me

Kris Jenner is the woman I would most like to have a very long lunch with. As my friends know I have long admired her savvy business skills, commitment to family, her girl power and honestly she doesn’t take herself too seriously. But she should.

My reasons.

#1 When Kris married her husband, Bruce Jenner in 1991, he was a washed-up, out-of-work, former injured athlete with no financial future. But Kris saw it differently. She saw possibilities, she saw he could have a very lucrative career as a motivational speaker, which at the time was beyond groundbreaking. It simply did not exist.

She had no formal business training, had never managed anyone, and knew very little about athletes. She crafted P.R. releases, videos & photo shoots. She sent out 7000 kits to every News outlet in the US.

It wasn’t long before Bruce was commanding a $25,000 speaking fee. She negotiated brand partnerships with Coke & Visa to name a few.

No business training, No MBA. This was revolutionary on so many levels, I can think of quite a few former athletes that should thank Kris for creating a world where they can still make money

(more money than as an athlete) but probably have not. I can also tell you from experience, it is not easy to manage your husband's career.

#2 Her family, literally created a billion-dollar business out of nothing.

But aside from all these accomplishments, it is her commitment to her dear friend Nicole Brown Simpson that has always astonished me. Little known fact. She has publicly admitted she didn't do enough to help her in a time of dire need. (Guts) But what is also forgotten in the nasty press, is the fact that Kris sat with the Brown family the entire trial as her ex-husband, on the other side of the aisle defended her friend's killer.

I imagine that could not have been easy on the family. I have friends that won't go left if their husband says right, just to keep the calm.

This is the ultimate sisterhood act.

I believe all of us can take a page out of Kris’s book, we only win when we are together, and we only win if we stop disparaging each other. We will never win unless we are all on the same side. So of course I am going there, This week when you cast your ballot, please remember It may not be your choice, but don’t deny another woman her choice. It is the ultimate sister act.

And yes I would like to nominate Kris Jenner, for Woman of the year, and dear Harvard, why isn't she teaching an MBA course?? I mean Jamie Diamond and David Soloman are nothing compared to this woman. And please stop calling her Momager, she is so much more than that.


It’s not easy being a minimalist!


Sister Sister!