On The Rocks with a twist

I really wanted to just revisit my old lovers, Mr. Manolo and  Mrs. Frame, but honestly they just didn’t feel right. Pretending that we can just go back in time and pick up where we left off seemed plausible, albeit a bit naive.

But the reality is, It did happen and we are different.

I went to a meeting the other day wearing my favorite black boots, black trench and frame denim, my old standby uniform, my armor, my can do and say anything in these clothes.

But I really wasn’t feeling it.

I wouldn’t say I lost my mojo, but something was amiss.

 I felt like I was an imposter wearing someone else’s clothes from a galaxy far far away.
The new clothes are baggier, more comfy, definitely more luxe, and dare I say more colorful and in some cases white (oatmeal, chalk, and cement).

It's a new world and fashion as always reflects our history, where we have been and absolutely where we are going.
To pretend otherwise would imply we were “fashion deniers” if there was such a thing.

P.S. My new favorite pant, the Everlane Dream, is perfect in every way!


We have come a long way baby!


The Half Zip